
Date posted:  November 18, 2005 - Friday 
Title:  Random thoughts on this and that
Current mood:    discontent

Yahoo gets into the gossip business …
It was a newspaper article about how Yahoo had teamed up with a company which has Internet gossip sites under the title Gawker Media.  Yahoo will be providing web content from five different blog sites and have information about celebrity rumors, Manhattan society, political news and technical gadgets.
Come on now, haven’t we got enough celebrity gossip already?  Do we really care Jennifer Aniston recovered well from her breakup with Brad Pitt.  Or whether Nicole Kidman is devastated because Tom Cruise got his latest Bimbo pregnant?  (OK, she’s a cute Bimbo, but with his record of serial monogamy she can’t be too discerning in her choices.)
Bush and Chaney on the attack …
So George Bush thinks everyone should just shut up and don’t question he may have led us all down the garden path regarding the need to stage a war in Iraq.
And he has his attack dog Chaney screaming and yelling about how it is all absurd and hurting our war effort.  (War effort?  As badly as we seem to be doing it can hardly be called a remarkable effort.)
I hear the strain of an old familiar tune.  Most MySpace users might not be old enough to have taken note, but didn’t this same BS come out of the Nixon White House regarding Viet Nam.  Can’t you just hear Spiro Agnew now speaking about the, “nattering nabobs of negativatism”?
Come on George!  You got caught with your pants down.  You said weapons of Mass Destruction.  You said Chemical Weapons.  You said Nuclear Capability.  And none of it showed up.  Nada.  Zip.
There are only two options here, George.  You either lied or you are stupid.  So, if you say you didn’t lie