
Date posted: September 22, 2005 - Thursday 
Title:  A Change in Philosophy
Current mood:    curious

I think I have decided to take a new tack when it comes to these blogs.
Oh, I will still probably make snide social comments as the mood strikes me, but I am thinking of using this as an outlet for writing. Nothing like a novel or even a whole short story, but maybe some fragments of things I have developed over time.
Maybe it will spur me to get back to doing it on a regular basis if I prime the pump with little snippets posted here.
And before I do that I guess I wonder if there is any interest. Not many people read these things, I am sure, but for those that do would my little bits of fiction have any interest at all?
So, if you are of a mind, let me know if there is any interest in peering into the tangled mess that is my mind turned loose in the world of fiction.
I would hate to start this and find out it was just a kind of literary self abuse.

Currently listening to:
Silver Lining
By Bonnie Raitt
Release date: 09 April, 2002