
Date posted:  April 13, 2006 - Thursday
Title:  Betrayal
Current mood:    disappointed

I guess I will never learn.  For some reason I just trust people.  It has been my undoing in more than a few cases.
I did it again the other day.  I shared something in confidence with a coworker and it came back to bite me on the ass.   It may have damaged a relationship that I value and which has served me well both personally and professionally.
I guess it was because I was raised to believe in the goodness of people.  Maybe it is because I have this desire to have people like me.  Whatever the case I guess it is too late to change at this late stage of my life, but I wish I didn't have to think about being circumspect.
Along with civility and just plain, common courtesy I suspect that honoring confidences has become another causality of this age.