
Date posted:  November 3, 2005 - Thursday 
Title:  The "D" word
Current mood:  cautiously optimistic

OK, so now I have more information.  I went to the doctor yesterday and we talked about what is going on with my health.
I have been diagnosed with diabetes.
No need to panic at this point.  While it is a disease that can be very harsh on your body, I am in the very early stages of a mild condition.
I have been given a number of drugs to start taking and my doctor feels it can be controlled with these pills for now.  It is also very possible if I lose a significant amount of weight the disease will go away or into a kind of remission and I won't be diabetic at all.
That is my hope right now.
I still have to take some classes on blood monitoring and lifestyle changes.  I don't look forward to that because I suspect it will mean things like major changes in my diet and restricting a lot of what I like to eat.  Hopefully it will be sensible and reasonable changes I can live with.
I wanted to thank all of you who left comments and showed concern for my well being and health.  I want you to know how much I appreciate your concern and kindness.  And to the one person who immediately contacted me and asked about my health, I appreciate your kindness with all of my heart.  Your kindness and concern are just some of the qualities which make me love you.
Thanks to all of you and I look forward to a future with all of you in my life.