
Date posted:  September 26, 2005 - Monday 
Title:  Regrets, I have a few ...
Current mood:  Longing, Wistful

One of the big regrets I have is I never learned to dance.
When I was younger I was too shy.  I had moved around so much as I grew up I felt isolated and I didn’t fit in very well.  I was always the “new guy” and so I didn’t become a member of the “in” crowd; the people who had the gatherings and such.
So I fell behind in learning the social niceties and the ways of social interaction.  This included participating in social gatherings and leaning the rudiments of dancing.
And I was shy.  I thought maybe too much about how others would see me or how I would look and I didn’t want to be seen as someone struggling to learn or not knowing.
When I got to college I actually tried to learn.  I still wasn’t going to social functions, but I took a PE class in dancing.  We shuffled around with shoe boxes on our feet and learned the formal steps of several dances.  But, I was not comfortable.  I could not relax in the classroom setting.  And being partnered with a girl who was a song leader and a favorite of the teacher didn’t help. She felt the need to excel in front of the teacher and that was no help in building my confidence in what I was learning.
And so, while I may have learned the basics in this class, all that has faded from memory,
So the chance I had to fill this hole in my life was wasted.  I remained as I had always been, lacking the skill, lacking the confidence and lacking the courage to ask someone to teach me.
I see movies like “Shall We Dance” or the Australian film “Strictly Ballroom” and I imagine what I am missing.
Thus the great regret.  That regret?  I cannot hold a woman in my arms and move with her.  I cannot express my feelings for her in movement.  And it causes a terrible longing in me.