
Date posted:  September 13, 2008 - Saturday
Title:  Politics in the US of A
Current mood:    pissed off

(Please be warned, the following blog uses some language that some might find offensive.  It is used only because there is no more polite way to express my frustration and disappointment with the current circumstances.  Deal with it.)

What was that line from the movie again …
Oh yeah, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
And that's just how I feel about what I have seen from the political campaigns this week.  This flap about lipstick and pigs is total bullshit.
It's a metaphor, John McCain, get over it!  You used the exact same metaphor when talking about Hilary Clinton's health care plan.  Are you so old your memory has faded to the point where you can't remember what you said?  Or do you just have a convenient memory that only remembers what it wants to?  In either case it calls into question your ability to lead this nation.
And you, Barack Obama, you're supposed to be such a great orator, can't you come up with some other reference than that tired, old political hack phrase about pigs?  Show some statesmanship.  Show some creativity.  And try to keep this political campaign on a higher level.  Deal with the issues facing this nation, damn it.  Come up with some substantive solutions to the current problems facing us.
Both of you get it through your thick heads.  That flushing sound you hear is the economy going down the toilet.  It is not the sound of your own bullshit political rhetoric being flushed by the American people.
Both candidates are talking about opening up public and coastal lands to oil drilling.  A solution which won't put any new gasoline in our tanks for years.  And will only put more money into the pockets of oil companies which are living high on the hog on the misery of the American people already.
And just how do any of them think things are going to be any better when the government itself can't seem to keep from being corrupted by oil money?  Reports issued this week show a culture of pure corruption in the government department charged with the oversight of money coming from the use of public lands to produce oil.
I don't care if Sarah Palin's daughter got knocked up by her boyfriend.  I do care Palin seemed over her head when being interviewed about issues facing this country.  I am concerned she may have tried to use her political office for personal revenge on behalf of a family member.
I'm not sure I have any solutions to the problems facing this country either at home or around the world, but the people running for the office that will direct this country should have some solutions -- or at least some clue how to find them.
My "world view" is pretty egocentric these days.
I am concerned the economy seems to be sliding down a slippery slope into oblivion.  I'm worried I haven't had a job in over a year and a half and the unemployment rate in my state just keeps going up.
I'm worried no one in Washington, or anywhere else for that matter, seems to be able to do anything about reforming health care in this country.  It strikes home when I realize I will be without health care insurance in a month and a half and out of the medicine I need to treat my diabetes by the end of the year.
I'm worried we seem to think we need to send troops all over globe to solve the problems facing other populations when we can't even deal with the ones we have right here inside our own borders.  And that we are spending a huge amount of our time, energy and resources on these military excursions at a time when our banks and financial institutions seem to be crumbling.
So, the time for blustering rhetoric is over.  Grow the Fuck up and deal with the problems in front of you and stop slinging mud and pointing fingers at each other.
Political Postscript:
Want an example of how bankrupt some of our politicians are: How about the Georgia representative who used the word "uppity" and then claimed he didn't realize it was a slur.
You're from the South and you didn't realize it was a slur?  All that says is you are a total idiot and an incompetent or one of the biggest liars around.  And in either case it just proves you have no business