
Date posted:  July 27, 2007 - Friday 
Title:  MySpace -- reality or fantasy
Current mood:    satisfied

NOTE:  The following is a comment I made on another blog I read.  The subject matter there was a 'rant' about MySpace and why there weren't more categories for blogs and more choices for emotions or feelings.  So some of you who may read this blog will see this as a repeat, but I thought it should be passed along to others.

!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!! The following content may be offensive to those who still believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy … or Tom.
Folks, folks, I see a serious loss of short-term memory here.
Don't you remember, a while back Tom sold this MySpace thing to News Corp. Yep, Rupert Merdoch!
(side note: Rupert Merdoch is the number two candidate for the anti-Christ. Bill Gates being number one.)
As I have stated once before, since I read this blog before, Tom created MySpace to get laid. That's why the content seems to cater to girls between their teen years and their late 20's. As Rick has said, Tom was "just another computer geek locked in his room." When it exploded far beyond Tom's hopes, the ugly face of capitalism reared up and took over.
While Tom said he would be staying around, I suspect the real Tom is on a beach somewhere sipping rum drinks from a funny-shaped glass with a tiny paper umbrella in it. 'Tom' these days is an electronic figment of someone's imagination. And since most IT (computer related) jobs are being outsourced to places like India these days, you are probably dealing with Gupta and not Tom.
And once Merdoch took over, it became "all about the Benjamin's." That's why you see the movie tie-ins when they add a 'cool new feature.' There is some corporate yutz in Hollywood throwing money at Merdoch in order to promote their latest piece of commercial pap coming out of La La land.
MySpace seems to bear less and less connection to reality every day. Hell, look at the number of people with profiles. It increases every hour by several thousand. If those numbers were real, not only would they have to have a computer network setup the size of Nebraska, but about every third person on the planet would have a MySpace account.
Of course you are going to get messages that are advertisements for life insurance, stock tips and Viagra. It's all about how these Madison Avenue people can get their advertising message across. And you are going to get friend requests that are come ons for Internet dating, soft-core porn sites and cheap drugs out of Canada.
It's the Internet, fellow babies, the latest evolution of the dot-com bubble that burst back in the 90's. Everybody wants to make a large buck without any real effort. And 'Customer Service', pleeeeesssseee. When was the last time you came across any business these days that gave a poop about customer